With a UK target of Net Zero emissions by 2050, Each Home Counts

We Help UK homes reduce their carbon footprint and access government funding for home upgrades!

Net Zero Stats

Tonnes Reduced Carbon Emissions
Total Funding Secured
£ 0
Homes Saving money
0 +
Counties Covered
Tonnes Reduced Carbon Emissions
Total Funding Secured
£ 0
Homes Saved
0 +
Counties Covered

Net Zero Process:

Our simple five-step hassle-free process will ensure that you have peace of mind every step of the way.

  1. EligibilityWe will do an over-the-phone 3 minute eligibility check to assess if you qualify for funding. Low income (under 30k/year)


  2. Property Survey
    Once we determine you are eligible, one of our experienced energy surveyors will visit the property to do a full energy report and efficiency recommendation.
  3. Design
    Our team will then put together a design for any and all of the measures which will improve the efficiency of your home, then run through this with you over the phone.
  4.  Install Date
    We then arrange a suitable date and time with you to carry out the works. This will be explained in full and any questions on this can be answered 
  5.  Post install Checks
    Once the works have been completed, our team will call to make sure you are happy with the standard of work and that there are no issues.

Who can get funding?

Find out if you’re eligible for energy saving funding

What can I get funded?

What improvements is funding available for

The government have run the ECO funding scheme since April 2013 with the view to increase the energy efficiency of homes throughout the UK. There are grants under this scheme to provide many home efficiency UPGRADES such as Solar PV, Heating upgrades, INSULATIONS and more.


Our lead generation arm uses a mixture of Social media advertising, door to door canvassing and telesales to get as wide of an audience as possible. We contact the leads, assess their eligibility and ensure that they qualify for any proposed grants.


Our surveying arm works perfectly with lead generation, as this is the next stage in the process of acquiring funding. Once we have a lead, one of our experienced surveyors will arrange a date and time to book a property survey with the customer. This will allow us to assess all areas of improvements, and highlight if any other grants can be acquired alongside the original one which our lead generator has identified.

Once this has been surveyed, it will be passed to an installation company as a near work-ready order.


We now have a team of 5 fully qualified Retro Assessors/ Technical Surveyors. This allows us to work directly with install companies that have outstanding Retrofit Assessments/Technical Surveys that need to be completed. Between all 5 surveyors we have the capacity to complete circa 100 surveys per week.

100% Funding Available For:

Cavity Wall Insulation

Internal Insulation

Loft Insulation

Solar PV

Air Source Heat Pump

External Insulation

Electric Heating Upgrades

First Time Central Heating

Cavity Wall Insulation

Internal Insulation

Loft Insulation

Solar PV

Electric Heating Upgrades

First Time Central Heating

Air Source Heat Pump

External Insulation

Want to know more? Get in touch today

Local Authority Flexibility Scheme

This is put in place to help people on lower incomes that aren’t in receipt of any benefits. The qualification criteria varies from council to council however, as a general rule, if your household income is below £30,000 per year you will qualify.

Eco - List Of Benefits

  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Child Benefit *
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Constant Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Income-Based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Income-Related Employment Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
  • Pension Guarantee Credit
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • War Pensions Mobility Supplement
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Household income limits apply

Get in touch today as the scheme ends soon!



Suite 11, Hubbway House, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 8AD

Company Number: 13621183

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